Myeost Gudbrandsdalen挪威棕色乳酪(焦糖)

Brunost(棕色乳酪)、Mysost(乳清乳酪)是挪威常見的名稱,日德蘭半島中部的考古確定,陶器上存在約公元前650年與Brunost相似的乳酪殘留物。2,500年以來,北歐以10:1的比例,將牛奶、乳脂和乳清混合後,煮沸幾個小時使水分蒸發,熱量將乳糖轉化為焦糖,進而產生特有的焦糖棕色和焦糖甜味,製成棕色乳酪醬,包裝冷藏後成為即可食用的Brunost Mysost焦糖乳清、挪威的prim、瑞典的messmör,在斯堪地那維亞國家很常見。

Brunost主要產於挪威,深受當地歡迎,為其美食特徵和文化遺產的重要組成,被公認為最具象徵性與標誌性的食品。自青銅時代起,Brunost Mysost焦糖乳清就一直是北歐飲食的一部分,具有獨特的甜味和鹹味風味,許多人將其味道與流行的拉丁美洲甜點“焦糖牛奶”的味道相比較。其中,最常見的Brunost以Gudbrandsdalen山谷命名,由牛奶和山羊奶混合製成。Brunost像牛奶軟糖一樣粘密的質地,咀嚼時往往會粘在口腔的上顎,但是熔點極低,只停留一秒鐘就會融化。Brunost緻密且黏稠的質地在食用時會帶來挑戰,挪威乳酪狂熱者Thor Bjørklund進而在1925年發明了乳酪刨刀(三角形和凸起的鋒利邊緣),將焦糖乳清刨成捲片搭配麵包、咖啡就是挪威人日常的美味。行銷全世界的Brunost Mysost,甜美的風格獲得各地乳酪愛好者的青睞,蔚為乳酪新時尚。

製造商 : TINE






每份 每100公克

熱量 224大卡 448大卡

蛋白質 5.5公克 11公克

脂肪 14.5公克 29公克

飽和脂肪 9.5公克 19公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 17.9公克 35.8公克

15.4公克 30.7公克

140毫克 280毫克

NT$ 600



保存方法:請低溫2°C ~6°C冷藏。開封後,吃多少切多少,尚未食用的乳酪,請用原廠防油紙包妥再放回原廠木盒中保鮮,雙重保護避免降低口感影響風味或是水氣潮濕造成腐壞。

Brunost (lit. 'brown cheese') is a common Norwegian name for mysost (lit. 'whey cheese'),is made by boiling a mixture of milk, cream, and whey carefully for several hours so that the water evaporates. The heat turns the milk sugars into caramel, which gives the cheese its characteristic brown colour and sweetness. It is ready for consumption as soon as it is packed and refrigerated. Low-fat varieties are made by increasing the proportion of whey to milk and cream.

Boiling down whey 10:1 to create a brown, cheesy spread (such as the Norwegian prim and Swedish messmör) has been common in the Scandinavian countries for at least 2,500 years. An archeological find from September 2016 in central Jutland has determined that a cheese residue on pottery from circa 650 B.C.E. is a type of cheese, potentially similar to brunost.

In modern times, the world's largest producer of brunost is the Norwegian dairy co-operative Tine, which markets a total of 13 varieties, as well as three types of prim and three types of pultost.

The second-largest is Norwegian dairy company Synnøve Finden, which markets two varieties of brunost, as well as two varieties of prim. There are also a number of smaller, artisanal producers, mainly in Norway and in the US.

Brunost is primarily produced in Norway and is popular there, and has spread to South Korea.It is regarded as one of Norway's most iconic foodstuffs, and is considered an important part of the country's gastronomical and cultural identity and heritage.

Myeost Gudbrandsdalen挪威棕色乳酪(焦糖)
Myeost Gudbrandsdalen挪威棕色乳酪(焦糖)
Myeost Gudbrandsdalen挪威棕色乳酪(焦糖)
Myeost Gudbrandsdalen挪威棕色乳酪(焦糖)
Myeost Gudbrandsdalen挪威棕色乳酪(焦糖)
Myeost Gudbrandsdalen挪威棕色乳酪(焦糖)
Myeost Gudbrandsdalen挪威棕色乳酪(焦糖)