L'ETIVAZ au Lait Cru (AOP)瑞士埃提瓦茲硬質乳酪(生乳)

Etivaz是一款以傳統古法手工製作的瑞士高山硬質乳酪,僅在5月10日至10月10日乳牛在高山牧場夏季放牧時製作,海拔1000米至2000米約130個高山牧場有3000頭乳牛自由放牧吃草,每天供應豐富的花香牛奶。依規定只能以傳統的銅鍋,放在老式的木頭明火上手工製作。之後還需要在特定的乳酪地窖熟成5至13個月。由此產生的Etivaz乳酪比古董格魯耶爾乳酪(Antique Gruyère)更顯溫和不那麼尖銳。小麥黃色的Etivaz,質地堅實略帶粘性,滑潤可口,帶有果香、堅果味、鹹奶油味,。

它的發源地 L'Etivaz 是瑞士阿爾卑斯山西南部的一個小村莊,位於沃州莫斯山口下方。約150名居民。1920年,由76個格魯耶爾乳酪生產家族組成的團體,認為政府法規允許乳酪製造商犧牲優質格魯耶爾乳酪的品質。於是他們退出了政府的格魯耶爾計劃,1932年成立了一家合作社,1934年建造了第一個乳酪地窖。「創造」了以他們居住的村莊命名獨有的乳酪- L'Etivaz -。

製造商 : LeSuperbe Services AG




成份: 生牛奶,鹽,凝乳酵素,乳酸菌


每份 每100公克

熱量 206大卡 412大卡

蛋白質 12.9公克 25.7公克

脂肪 17公克 34公克

飽和脂肪 10.3公克 20.6公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0公克 0公克

0公克 0公克

300毫克 600毫克

NT$ 800

口感層次:大圓扁形,外皮為鵝黃色,內芯為淺黃色,質地緊實,口感柔軟滑順,濃厚的奶油香氣有果香氣。怡人的口感有蜂蜜和堅果的鹹香味道。乳酪板(cheese board)搭配梨子、葡萄乾、新鮮無花果、火腿、煙熏肉、堅果,風味更佳。


保存方法:請低溫2°C ~6°C冷藏。開封後,吃多少切多少,剩餘乳酪尚未食用的部分,請1.用保鮮膜或防油紙包妥,2.再放置於保鮮盒冷藏,雙重保護避免降低口感影響風味或是水氣潮濕造成腐壞。

L'Etivaz is made by hand essentially as Gruyère was 100 years ago. It is made only when the cows are doing their summer grazing in Alpine pastures from 10 May to 10 October, ver 3,000 cows graze in about 130 Alpine pastures located at altitudes of 1,000 to 2,000 metres, supplying each day rich, floral milk.It must be made in traditional copper cauldrons, and only over old-style, open wood fires.The ripening process brings out the rich, powerful aromas that come from the wide variety of grasses eaten by the cows.

The resulting cheese is a bit creamier and less sharp than Antique Gruyère, yet smooth and flavorful. L'Etivaz has a firm texture with a fruity, slightly nutty flavor, which varies depending on the soil of the different pastures. It is yellow ivory in color and slightly sticky due to its saltiness. It is aged for 5 to 13 months before it is eaten.

Its place of origin, L'Etivaz, is a hamlet in the southwestern Swiss Alps, just under the Col des Mosses in the canton of Vaud. It has about 150 inhabitants. In the 1930s, a group of 76 Gruyère producing families felt that government regulations were allowing cheesemakers to compromise the qualities that made good Gruyère so special. They withdrew from the government's Gruyère program, and "created" their own cheese - L'Etivaz - named for the village around which they all lived. They founded a cooperative in 1932, and the first cheese cellars were built in 1934.

L'ETIVAZ au Lait Cru (AOP)瑞士埃提瓦茲硬質乳酪(生乳)
L'ETIVAZ au Lait Cru (AOP)瑞士埃提瓦茲硬質乳酪(生乳)
L'ETIVAZ au Lait Cru (AOP)瑞士埃提瓦茲硬質乳酪(生乳)
L'ETIVAZ au Lait Cru (AOP)瑞士埃提瓦茲硬質乳酪(生乳)
L'ETIVAZ au Lait Cru (AOP)瑞士埃提瓦茲硬質乳酪(生乳)
L'ETIVAZ au Lait Cru (AOP)瑞士埃提瓦茲硬質乳酪(生乳)