Bûchette de Chèvre l’ail & herbes法國安德爾長棍山羊新鮮乳酪(大蒜,草本香料)

羊奶乳酪是讓世界級的美食家眼睛為之一亮的經典美食之一。Bûchette de Chèvr長棍山羊來自於法國安德爾省的拉韋爾內爾鎮(La Vernelle) ,有著歐洲饕客獨愛的山羊乳酪綿細的口感,令人垂涎的微酸味道,散發獨特的檸檬與草原般的花香氣息。Bûchette de Chèvre l’ail & herbes軟綿細緻入口即化,清爽的奶香氣,呈現酸、鹹、甜味層次與風味,天然的大蒜還有植物草本香料,讓味蕾的享受更加升級。

*JACQUIN & Fils具有《世界上最好的乳酪製作者》的聲譽。這個法國乳酪商屢獲殊榮,並以驚人的速度席捲全世界乳酪愛好者的味蕾,其山羊乳酪就包括了30多款產品,以增加賞味者享受乳酪板的多樣選擇。為了確保每一個長棍山羊新鮮乳酪從法國到消費者口中,品質達到一致的新鮮和完美韻味,每個被真空保護在單一的保護盒內,該保護殼保留了乳酪的香氛,並停止了乳酪因濕度或溫度細菌造成的口感變化,確保品質和新鮮度的穩定水平。 一個山羊乳酪愛好者可以在這裡找到各種口味的山羊乳酪,從年輕和新鮮的,到熟成和硬皮的,應有盡有各具特色!

製造商 : Fromagerie JACQUIN & Fils




成份: 山羊奶,鹽,凝乳酵素,乳酸菌,大蒜,草本香料


每份 每100公克

熱量 115大卡 230大卡

蛋白質 7.5公克 15公克

脂肪 11公克 22公克

飽和脂肪 5公克 10公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0公克 0公克

0公克 0公克

300毫克 600毫克

NT$ 350


賞味方式:拆封後,用小湯匙或抹刀可以將乳酪當麵包的抹醬。切片可直接淋上蜂蜜享用,烤麵包用新鮮山羊乳酪加點鹽和胡椒,淋上橄欖油風味更佳。入菜製作好吃的新鮮山羊乳酪海鮮沙拉、批薩、三明治、漢堡等簡單餐點,搭配香檳酒或蘇維翁白酒Sauvignon Blanc風味更佳。

保存方法:請低溫2°C ~6°C冷藏。開封後,吃多少切多少,剩餘乳酪尚未食用的部分,請1.用保鮮膜或防油紙包妥,2.再放置於保鮮盒冷藏,雙重保護避免降低口感影響風味或是水氣潮濕造成腐壞。

*French goat

Goat milk cheese is one of those foods that can light up the eyes of a gourmand. The slightly sour, characteristic aroma invades the senses, while the enveloping, unmistakable flavour overwhelms the palate with mouth-watering taste. With an endless variety of the best goats milk cheese available in the market, a chevre aficionado can here find raw goat cheese for all tastes, from young and fresh, to old and crusty, all delicious! Pascal Jacquin et fils carries one of the finest cheese making reputations in the world. This French fromagerie has been producing award-winning cheeses at a dizzying pace - their goat cheeses alone include over 30 products. This fresh goat cheese in the traditional "bûche" (log) form is one of their newer products. A solid selection for those looking for great quality and a versatile cheese to add to their cheese board. These wonderful fresh goat logs are perfect for any occasion. Imported directly from France they arrive fresh and full of flavour. Each comes packaged in its own protective plastic shell. This protective shell preserves the atmosphere and halts the product's development, therefore guaranteeing a constant level of quality and freshness.口感層次:雪白色的乳酪質地綿密細緻,以天然植物取得的炭灰撒在乳酪外層,用來保護乳酪在乾燥的地窖熟成最少4週的期間,促進藍黴菌的生長,增加熟成的風味,並且保護乳酪內芯的水分不會逸散,熟成後長出藍黑灰色的外皮,具有軟綿流動的口感,酸、鹹、甜味並俱,味道綿長層次複雜,帶有堅果和羊奶特有的花香氣息。

賞味方式:拆封後,用小湯匙或抹刀可以將乳酪當麵包的抹醬。切片可直接淋上蜂蜜享用,烤麵包用新鮮山羊乳酪加點鹽和胡椒,淋上橄欖油風味更佳。入菜製作好吃的新鮮山羊乳酪海鮮沙拉、批薩、三明治、漢堡等簡單餐點,搭配香檳酒或蘇維翁白酒Sauvignon Blanc風味更佳。


French goat Log(Nature ):

Goat milk cheese is one of those foods that can light up the eyes of a gourmand. The slightly sour, characteristic aroma invades the senses, while the enveloping, unmistakable flavour overwhelms the palate with mouth-watering taste. With an endless variety of the best goats milk cheese available in the market, a chevre aficionado can here find raw goat cheese for all tastes, from young and fresh, to old and crusty, all delicious! Pascal Jacquin et fils carries one of the finest cheese making reputations in the world. This French fromagerie has been producing award-winning cheeses at a dizzying pace - their goat cheeses alone include over 30 products. This fresh goat cheese in the traditional "bûche" (log) form is one of their newer products. A solid selection for those looking for great quality and a versatile cheese to add to their cheese board. These wonderful fresh goat logs are perfect for any occasion. Imported directly from France they arrive fresh and full of flavour. Each comes packaged in its own protective plastic shell. This protective shell preserves the atmosphere and halts the product's development, therefore guaranteeing a constant level of quality and freshness.

Top lightly toasted bread with fresh goat cheese, drizzle with honey and enjoy!

Top fresh goat cheese with salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil.

Bûchette de Chèvre l’ail & herbes法國安德爾長棍山羊新鮮乳酪(大蒜,草本香料)
Bûchette de Chèvre l’ail & herbes法國安德爾長棍山羊新鮮乳酪(大蒜,草本香料)
Bûchette de Chèvre l’ail & herbes法國安德爾長棍山羊新鮮乳酪(大蒜,草本香料)
Bûchette de Chèvre l’ail & herbes法國安德爾長棍山羊新鮮乳酪(大蒜,草本香料)
Bûchette de Chèvre l’ail & herbes法國安德爾長棍山羊新鮮乳酪(大蒜,草本香料)
Bûchette de Chèvre l’ail & herbes法國安德爾長棍山羊新鮮乳酪(大蒜,草本香料)