Kaltbach-Le Gruyère(AOP)瑞士凱爾巴許半硬質乳酪

凱爾巴許(Kaltbach)是一個史詩般的AOP瑞士乳酪,源自於1072年風景如畫的瑞士格魯耶爾鎮(Gruyère),依AOP規定只能採用天然放牧的牛奶熟成1年以上製成果香濃郁的格魯耶爾(Gruyère)AOP乳酪,將熟成後的格魯耶爾(Gruyère)乳酪再轉移到Kaltbach的砂岩洞窟靜置窖藏熟成,滑潤如絲綢般細緻的質感,水果香氣與堅果香達到完美的平衡,揮之不去濃郁的後味,成就一個風味強大且深刻的經典乳酪,Q彈細緻的口感這種真正的鮮美味道,是製作蘋果派,燴飯和沙拉絕美的選擇。搭配一支果香馥郁的白葡萄酒、比利時啤酒(藍比克Belgian Lambic),或是單一麥芽威士忌(single malt scotch)都是絕佳組合。凱爾巴許(Kaltbach)贏得了許多國際大獎,包括在2014年世界乳酪大賞的青銅獎和金牌獎。

凱爾巴許(Kaltbach) 洞窟位於瑞士西部盧塞恩州地區Wauwiler穆斯的邊緣。 Kaltbach意味著“冷河”,圍繞這個神奇地方,深深的地層底下天然的石窟砂岩,從大約20萬年前,在中部高原上由磨拉石海魁河沖積而成。自1953年以來,在迷宮般的地下,正是這種砂岩與特殊的氣候,使高品質的乳酪得以窖藏熟成,產生了凱爾巴許(Kaltbach)乳酪無與倫比的美味。

製造商 : EMMI






每份 每100公克

熱量 197大卡 394大卡

蛋白質 10.5公克 21公克

脂肪 17公克 34公克

飽和脂肪 10.2公克 20.4公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0.5公克 1公克

糖 0公克 0公克

鈉 360毫克 720毫克

NT$ 680


賞味方式:直接享用或磨碎加在沙拉、蔬菜或義大利麵,或是將凱爾巴許(Kaltbach)乳酪煮軟,沾馬鈴薯、火腿、香腸和麵包就是美味的乳酪鍋(Fondue),再搭配果香馥郁清爽的白酒更添風味。或是比利時啤酒(藍比克Belgian Lambic),單一麥芽威士忌(single malt scotch)都是絕佳組合。


Kaltbach Le Gruyère is an epic AOP Swiss cheese attentively made from silo-free raw cow’s milk in the gruyere region of Switzerland. The fruity-tangy gruyere is matured for a year, 3 months in the cheese dairy, and then transferred to the sandstone caves of Kaltbach to develop the hallmark brown rind. This is a robust and deeply full flavoured cheese with evenly-balanced undertones of fruit and nuts and lingering after-taste without bitterness. It has a crumbly body with an occasional crystallization. This genuine classic tastes delicious with gougères, apple pie, risotto and shaved atop salads. Try pairing the cheese with wines such as Cabernet Franc, Late harvest Riesling, bock, stout, Belgian Lambic, single malt scotch for a great combination. Kaltbach Le Gruyere has won many international awards including bronze and gold at the 2014 World Cheese Awards.

The Kaltbach caves are located on the edge of the Wauwiler Moos area in the canton of Lucerne. Kaltbach means “cold river”, which refers to the topography surrounding this magical place. Deep under Mount Santenberg, the caves consist of sandstone from the upper sea molasse which rivers transported to the Central Plateau around 20 million years ago. It is this sandstone, together with the unique climate in the labyrinthine underground complex that makes the caves so suitable for the storage and aging of high quality cheeses. A cave has been used in Kaltbach to age cheese since 1953. The special climate of the cave gives rise to a specialty cheese. It’s where our cave-master has gained incomparable experience, and you can taste this experience in every single Kaltbach cheese.

Kaltbach-Le Gruyère(AOP)瑞士凱爾巴許半硬質乳酪
Kaltbach-Le Gruyère(AOP)瑞士凱爾巴許半硬質乳酪
Kaltbach-Le Gruyère(AOP)瑞士凱爾巴許半硬質乳酪
Kaltbach-Le Gruyère(AOP)瑞士凱爾巴許半硬質乳酪
Kaltbach-Le Gruyère(AOP)瑞士凱爾巴許半硬質乳酪
Kaltbach-Le Gruyère(AOP)瑞士凱爾巴許半硬質乳酪
Kaltbach-Le Gruyère(AOP)瑞士凱爾巴許半硬質乳酪