Chimay 1876 Grand Cru 比利時1876啤酒洗浸乳酪

Notre-Dame de Scourmont修道院的僧侶,生產以名為Chimay的手工精釀啤酒聞名於世,1876年開始製作手工乳酪。必須遵循三個規則:




Chimay最好的Grand Cru乳酪,誕生於Scourmont Abbey修道院的拱形酒窖,乳源取自特拉普僧侶飼養的菲依森乳牛(Friesian)。Chimay乳酪以特拉普僧侶傳統的獨特製作方式,將Chimay Grand Cru啤酒清洗產生的天然外皮,質地Q彈,口感柔軟。Chimay是全世界僅有的三個乳酪製造商之一,可以稱為 Trappist。修道院傳統手工藝延續至今的頂極美味值得細細品味。




製造商 : CHIMAY




成份:牛奶,凝乳酵素,鹽,乳酸菌,比利時Grand Cru啤酒

每份 每100公克

熱量 196大卡 392大卡

蛋白質 16.5公克 33公克

脂肪 14.2公克 28.4公克

飽和脂肪 10.5公克 21公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0公克 0公克

糖 0公克 0公克

鈉 400毫克 800毫克

NT$ 600

口感層次:熟成的Chimay Grand Cru外表金黃色具有特殊細密的壓紋,觸感如皮革般堅實。內部淺黃色,口感Q軟綿密,鹹奶油般的味道,後味散發果香、細膩的啤酒花香氣和杏桃香味。適合居家早餐、下午茶、親友歡聚場合的乳酪板(cheese board)



Chimay 1876 Grand Cru:

The Abbey of Notre-Dame de Scourmont is the home of some very happy monks. They are more famous for their line of beers called Chimay but they have also been making cheese since 1876. Grand Cru is the best of these cheeses, it is washed in brine and aged in the cellars of the abbey. The ripening process takes six weeks and occurs in the traditional manner. This cheese is made from pasteurised milk, has a semi-firm texture with a taste that is both forthright and soft. Chimay is one of only three cheese-makers in the entire world that can call their cheeses Trappist. To be a Trappist cheese, three rules must be followed: 1) The cheese must be made, 100%, within the Abbey walls.

2)The whole cheese making process must be overseen by the monks.

3)All profits must be reinvested in the Abbey's foundation that provides funding for community projects.

Chimay 1876 Grand Cru 比利時1876啤酒洗浸乳酪
Chimay 1876 Grand Cru 比利時1876啤酒洗浸乳酪
Chimay 1876 Grand Cru 比利時1876啤酒洗浸乳酪
Chimay 1876 Grand Cru 比利時1876啤酒洗浸乳酪
Chimay 1876 Grand Cru 比利時1876啤酒洗浸乳酪
Chimay 1876 Grand Cru 比利時1876啤酒洗浸乳酪