Pecorino Sardo Maturo (DOP)義大利佩科里諾沙多硬質乳酪(綿羊奶/熟成)

誕生於18世紀,有「綿羊之島」美稱的薩丁尼亞。1991受DOC保護,1996取得DOP,僅限薩丁尼亞島內全區可以生產。以傳統工法製造,依熟成時間分成2款,最少2個月年輕的Pecorino Sardo Dolce,還有熟成10個月以上的Pecorino Sardo Maturo,Dolce輕盈的奶油香適合當成餐桌乳酪享用,Maturo隨著熟成期的拉長,外皮從麥金色變為淺棕色,乳酪內芯口感堅硬,有結晶化的酪蛋白顆粒感,綿羊奶獨特的花香甜味,帶著濃厚的鹹奶油香氣,後味有迷人的辛辣味和刺激感,提供品嚐者一個如神話般的味道,適合餐後搭配美酒享用。Pecorino與「乳酪之王」帕馬吉阿諾-雷吉阿諾乳酪(Parmiggiano-Reggiano)齊名並列為義大利人使用最廣泛的乳酪。

Pecora為義大利文的綿羊,Pecorino就是綿羊乳酪的意思。源自西元前100年羅馬時代的Pecorino,受DOP保護的就有6種,分別為波坦查的Pecorino di Filiano、拉吉爾的Pecorino di Picinisco、南義的Pecorino Romano、薩丁尼亞島的Pecorino Sardo、西西里島的Pecorino Siciliano、托斯卡尼的Pecorino Toscano。因為富含蛋白質、乳脂肪和鹽份,戰時能夠補充士兵足夠的體力,是羅馬軍隊出征時必需的主食之一。

製造商 : PINNA






每份 每100公克

熱量 200大卡 400大卡

蛋白質 14公克 28公克

脂肪 16公克 32公克

飽和脂肪 9.1公克 18.2公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0公克 0公克

0公克 0公克

400毫克 800毫克

NT$ 700


賞味方式:熟成的佩科里諾Pecorino Maturo和帕馬吉阿諾-雷吉阿諾乳酪(Parmiggiano-Reggiano)一樣,以乳香豐富厚實著稱,非常適合料理與佐酒享用。如義大利麵、燉飯(Risottos)、肉派,或磨碎撒在蔬菜及爐烤料理上。乳酪板cheese board搭配麵包、橄欖油、松子、西洋梨就是美味,餐後挑一瓶義大利紅葡萄酒、威士忌、白蘭地,或是黑麥啤酒更是為餐宴畫下完美句點不錯的選擇。

保存方法:請低溫2°C ~6 °C冷藏。開封後,吃多少切多少,尚未食用的部分,請用保鮮膜或防油紙包妥,再放置於保鮮盒冷藏,避免降低口感影響風味或是水氣潮濕造成腐壞。

Pecorino sardo, also known as fiore sardo, is a firm cheese from the Italian island of Sardinia which is made from sheep milk: specifically from the milk of the local Sardinian breed. It was awarded Denominazione d'Origine status in 1991 and granted Protected designation of origin (PDO) protection in 1996, the year in which this European Union certification scheme was introduced. Its flavour is different from that of the Pecorino Romano, which is also made on the island. Sardo is richer while romano is much more biting and salty. Pecorino sardo is delicious in contexts where the romano could overpower, such as in pesto—the Ligurian pesto alla genovese is traditionally made with a mixture of Pecorino sardo and Parmigiano-Reggiano—or with fruit.

Pecorino sardo is a hard cheese made from fresh whole sheep's milk curdled using lamb or kid rennet. The mixture is poured into moulds that will give the cheese its characteristic shape. After a brief period in brine, the moulds are lightly smoked and left to ripen in cool cellars in central Sardinia. The average weight of the finished product is 3.5 kg (7.7 lb): sometimes a bit more, sometimes a bit less depending on the conditions of manufacture. The rind varies from deep yellow to dark brown in colour and encases a paste that varies from white to straw-yellow. The sharpness of the flavour depends on the length of maturation. The young Pecorino Sardo is about a couple of months old, the mature type is more than six months old and needs a lot of control of temperature and humidity.

Pecorino sardo is not as well known outside Italy as romano or Pecorino Toscano, although a good deal of Pecorino Romano is actually made in Sardinia, as Sardinia is within Romano's PDO area.

Pecorino Sardo Maturo (DOP)義大利佩科里諾沙多硬質乳酪(綿羊奶/熟成)
Pecorino Sardo Maturo (DOP)義大利佩科里諾沙多硬質乳酪(綿羊奶/熟成)
Pecorino Sardo Maturo (DOP)義大利佩科里諾沙多硬質乳酪(綿羊奶/熟成)
Pecorino Sardo Maturo (DOP)義大利佩科里諾沙多硬質乳酪(綿羊奶/熟成)